Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lets Talk About Sex

Why? Because Hannah Montana has discovered that she can do a lot more with those hips than jump on stage. She can shove them into a leotard and crotch-smothering tight jeans.


Parents the world over are having their pubescent daughters tare down their Hannah Montana posters to protest her recent MTV award fashion debacle. And that is all I want to say about that. Let’s get on to the sex part.

We all remember our teenage years when pimples and burning loins were commonplace. As if that wasn’t hard enough (no pun intended) the Hollywood, Bollywood and all the rest of the woods were over sexing everything. Everything had a sex angle. The type of beer you bought determined how many chicks you’d bang that night. You name it they attached a crotch to it. Hence the term “sex sells”.

Throw yourself into an 80s or 90s movie flashback. It was all about the human “Basic Instinct.” Sex came with a cheesy theme song, steamy windows, a foggy ambiance, delicious sweat trembling down toned, tanned caramel skin and fireworks that augmented the deep moans of rapture. Everyone having sex seemed to be having fun, as was implied by the post-coital glow, regardless of how “Fatal the Attraction”. They made it look like touching heaven. After one of those movies, you couldn’t wait to go out and get some. Sex was/is everywhere, even on Bugs Bunny. BUT, you were not allowed to mention it, let alone engage in it. Only loose girls and fast boys were allowed to touch heaven.

Can humanity be anymore sexually repressed than it already is? This morality stick has become ridiculous. Think about it. Africans, who spent the better part of the 20th century with tits and genitalia in the wind, are all covered up in batik or Kente cloth in a false sense of modesty. This s*$% ain’t right. And what the adults are doing to the teenagers should be punishable by death!

Adults, who really do run these “entertainment” industries, ram this stuff down the throats of hot-blooded teenagers then vilify them for shaving their heads and popping out babies with unknown backup dancers (hey. Britney?) They are confused. Wouldn’t you be? Feeling all these new feelings, being shown what to do with them, but being threatened with hell fire make the connection. Seriously, one is liable to turn to drugs when 1+1 is no longer 2.

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